Unprecedented Job Crisis In IITs: 38% Remains Unplaced In 2024; 19% Dip From 2022

Education Edited by Updated: May 23, 2024, 4:35 pm
Unprecedented Job Crisis In IITs: 38% Remains Unplaced In 2024; 19% Dip From 2022

Unprecedented Job Crisis In IITs: 38% Remains Unplaced In 2024; A 19% Dip From 2022

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), known for good placement record and quality pass-outs, is now struggling to provide placement to its graduates. According to the data revealed by the Right to Information (RTI) query, around 38 percentage of the graduates from 21 campuses of India”s top institutes were not placed this year. The number of IITians who were not placed stands nearly 8,000. 

The unprecedented crisis in placing the premium institute”s students was recorded in 2024, placing 13,410 out of the 21,500 students who registered for the job. Notably, two years before, only 19 percentage had remained unplaced, depicting a deteriorating picture of rising unplaced graduates during the past two years.

Sharing the data on the popular career platform LinkedIn, IIT Kanpur alumnus Dheeraj Singh said that around 33 percentage of students in IIT Kharagpur did not find jobs via placements last year. “Unplaced students are dealing with stress, anxiety, and hopelessness due to poor job placement scenarios. As per the RTI reply, 600 students were unplaced in IIT Delhi in the last two years,he wrote.

The doubling of unplaced students points to a precarious state of affairs in the best engineering colleges in the country. Approximately 61% of the postgraduates are still unplaced. This is an unprecedented job crisis India”s premier colleges and young graduates are facing,” Dheeraj Singh noted.

However, the worrisome trend of deteriorating career prospects for even students of the country”s premium institutes has left the youngsters in despair. The sharp decline from 2022 to 2024 in the number of students placed from the IITs also takes a toll on the mental health of the students. 

Notably, the number of suicide cases among IIT students this year shows how depressed the students have been in recent times.