Opinion: World Drug Day - High Time To Start the Fight Against Drug Addiction Among Students

Recent trends indicate a worrying rise in the prevalence of high potency psychedelic drugs and multiple substance abuse among school-aged children. This alarming increase underscores the urgent need for proactive intervention from educators and parents.

Drug Addiction Written by Updated: Jun 26, 2024, 2:50 pm
Opinion: World Drug Day - High Time To Start the Fight Against Drug Addiction Among Students

Opinion: High Time To Start the Fight Against Drug Addiction Among Students; World Drug Day

June 26th, World Drug Day, reminds us of the widespread problem of drug addiction. It’s a day to raise awareness about how drugs harm individuals and communities. In recent years, Kerala has unfortunately become a preferred breeding ground for drug peddlers and consumers alike. Daily reports of narcotics seizures from various parts of the state highlight a distressing reality captured by data from the State Crime Records Bureau (SCRB) spanning from 2016 to January 2024, painting Kerala as increasingly synonymous with drug trade and consumption.

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Recent trends indicate a worrying rise in the prevalence of high potency psychedelic drugs and multiple substance abuse among school-aged children. This alarming increase underscores the urgent need for proactive intervention from educators and parents. Teachers are pivotal in identifying early signs of drug abuse among students and should promptly inform parents of any concerning behavioral changes observed. Simultaneously, parents must remain vigilant, seeking professional guidance upon noticing abrupt shifts in their children’s behavior, social circles, eating or sleeping patterns, academic performance, or physical appearance.

Effective strategies to combat drug addiction necessitate comprehensive awareness and training programs for both parents and teachers. Such initiatives are crucial for early detection of warning signs such as sudden behavioral changes, irresponsible actions, withdrawal from family interactions, and the discovery of drug-related paraphernalia in personal spaces.

The increasing number of school-aged drug users not only threatens immediate health and academic outcomes but also carries long-term societal implications. Drug abuse among students can impair cognitive development, compromise academic performance, and lead to long-term addiction issues. Moreover, it poses risks of behavioral disorders, legal entanglements, and social isolation, impacting future prospects and community well-being.

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Addressing drug addiction requires a collaborative effort across all sectors of the community. It demands proactive planning and implementation of preventive measures, intervention strategies, and rehabilitation programs. By fostering community participation and raising awareness, Kerala can begin to reclaim its communities from the clutches of drug addiction.

On this World Drug Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to combating drug addiction. Together, through collective action and unwavering dedication, we can create a safer, healthier future for our children and communities.

(Dr Raheemudheen PK is a licensed Clinical Psychologist working under the Department of Health Services, Government of Kerala. He is currently with the Government Mental Health Hospital, Thrissur. He has experience of more than 10 years in field of mental health and rehabilitation. He hold position of Co- Chair of UNESCO chair on Community based Disability mangament and Rehabilitation studies during 2020-2021.)