In Dussehra speech, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in the festival of Vijayadashami one should vow to end evils and discrimination in society. Mr Modi was the chief guest at the 11th grand Ramleela of the Shri Ramleela Society and he performed “Ravan Dahan.”
Addressing a huge gathering in Ram Leela Maidan at Dwaraka, PM urges people to take 10 pledges in order to progress towards a developed India. “Today, “Ravan Dahan” should not be only about burning of an effigy but also about forces which try to divide “Maa Bharati” in the name of casteism and regionalism,” reports India Today as PM Modi saying.
He added that the Vijayadashami should also be celebrated as victory of patriotism over every evils of the nation. “We should take a pledge to end evils and discrimination in society. We will move forward with new energy and new resolutions on the path of development. We will together make the “Shreshtha Bharat,” he added.
During his speech, PM Modi said that seeing the construction of Lord Ram”s temple in Ayodhya marks victory of our patience. Continuing further he lauded Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and its successful attempt to land on Moon. Prime Minister also added that India will soon become third largest economy in the world.
Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi participated in the Dusshera celebrations at Red Fort’s Nav Shri Dharmik Leela Committee grounds. She was accompanied by Congress leader J P Agarwal and other party leaders. On the occasion of Vijayadashami celebrations, Ms Gandhi applied tilak on the forehead of Lord Ram and Sita.
Several political leaders attended Dussehra festivities hosted by different Ramlila committees at different venues.