Aiming to drive Kerala’s Pattambi into a knowledge-based constituency, MLA Muhammed Muhassin conducted a youth summit in the city on Sunday. The Pattambi MLA said the summit was meant to motivate and empower young people by giving them a platform to express their voices.
The summit, probably the first of its kind in the country, aims to turn the assembly segment into a learning constituency. It, according to the MLA, was the first step towards the goal of converting the constituency into an enlightened one with awareness and education. The program focuses on skill enhancement, education, and innovation for youth. Muhassin inaugurated the youth summit held in the Royal Convention Center, and Pattambi Municipal Chairperson O. Lakshmikutty presided over the event.
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The attendees of the summit included students, professionals, unemployed, entrepreneurs, housewives, and people from different walks of life from Pattambi municipality and several gram panchayats.
Speaking at the assembly after the youth summit, the MLA raised mental health issues among the people. The MLA said one of the key issues the youth raised during the summit was to make the treatment affordable for mental health.
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Mohammad Ashraf M.K. from Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit welcomed the gathering. Several dignitaries attended the event, and that included Ashif K.P., academic head of PM Institute of Civil Services Examinations, Farook College; Ajith Kaliyath, Urban Chair professor at Kerala Institute of Local Administration; Anas M.K., scholar from Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit; B. Shanmugasundaram, professor of agricultural extension at Kerala Agricultural University; Varsha V., head of Additional Skill Acquisition Programme Kerala (ASAP) centre head, Chathannur; Ali Akbar Kamil, academic coordinator of Eram Skills Academy, Kunnamkulam; Anfal M., assistant professor at Sreenarayana Guru Open University; and Vinod M.V., executive assistant at State Council for Open and Lifelong Education (SCOLE) Kerala, spoke.