Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Tourism Closes Over 250 Hospitality Facilities Without License (image @ Pixabay)
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has closed down over 250 tourism hospitality facilities operating without a license. The country’s Ministry of Tourism has conducted a series of inspections across the country on its tourism hospitality facilities under the slogan “Our guests are our priority”.
The country’s Tourism Ministry said the closed hospitality facilities will remain closed until they rectify the conditions and attain the required license. The inspection will be followed diligently to ensure the safety and enhance the provided services aiming to augment the positive experience of the visitors.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has levelled up the awareness to the tourism sector by conducting several campaigns through both media and field and monitored the systems and regulations of their practices. The Tourism Ministry has also granted a grace period of 3 months to those engaged in the sector for correcting their ways in the backdrop of new laws and regulations issued.
The ones who escaped from the inspection and has the hospitality facilities license will also be continuously monitored and followed up to ensure their commitment in pitting forward the “high quality” services for the visitors around the globe.
The laws and regulations adhering to the tourism facility of the country will be diligently followed to issue penalties for the violators to ensure justice in the sector apart from increasing the quality of the services and experiences to offer and luring the local and foreign investments.
The Kingdom is aiming to achieve the goal of 150 million tourists by the year 2030. The ministry all Tourism service providers to stick to the law and regulations of the tourism sector to ensure the satisfaction and quality experience of the tourists.
It is also announced that the beneficiaries of the tourism can also submit complaints relating to any tourism activity through the Tourist Care Centre 930, which is said to receive calls round the clock, as said by Saudi press Agency.