Former Italian MP Hangs Palestinian Flag Outside Parliament, Condemns Israeli Genocide And Calls For Ceasefire

World Edited by Updated: May 25, 2024, 6:02 pm
Former Italian MP Hangs Palestinian Flag Outside Parliament, Condemns Israeli Genocide And Calls For Ceasefire

Former Italian MP Hangs Palestinian Flag Outside Parliament, Condemns Israeli Genocide And Calls For Ceasefire (representative image@Pixabay)

Stafano Apuzzo, the former Italian MP hung a Palestinian flag on the balcony of the Chamber of Deputies at the Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome. The move was read as a direct response to the “Israeli genocide”, against the Palestinians of Gaza. Apuzzo condemned the silence of the international community against the brutal atrocities.

In a statement released after hanging the flag, Apuzzo called upon the world leaders to take immediate measures that would result in the end of the brutal violence. He appealed to protect the rights of the Palestinian people. He said that the world cannot keep turning blind eye to the sufferings of the Palestinians.

In a video footage, Apuzzo was seen climbing out of the window of the Parliament, the Palazzo Montecitorio, home to the lower house of the Italian Parliament. He climbed on to the balcony and unfurled a Palestinian flag. From the balcony, he shouted, “enough with the use of Italian weapons in genocide in Gaza. There are 35,000 dead in Gaza”.

Earlier, former resident of the Parliament”s lower house, Laura Boldrini asked what Georgia Meloni, the Prime Minister of the country, is waiting for. In an interview given to media, Boldrini, who is now chairwoman of the human rights committee of the Italian parliament, said that the country should follow the lead of other governments that have recognised the statehood of Palestine.

Italy has voiced support for the two-state solution as the only solution for the ongoing brutal and bloody Israel-Palestine war, but has not made any move to recognise Palestine as a state. Boldrini asked that with what credibility does Meloni keeps saying about the two-states solution, “if neither at Italian nor international level steps are made towards the recognition of the second state, the state of Palestine?”.

Recently, Spain, Norway and Ireland has recognised Palestine as a state, and urged other European countries to do so. Sor far, 144 of 193 UN member states has recognise Palestine as a state including India, China and Russia. But only few European nations like Cyprus and Sweden has recognised Palestine.