13-Month Paid Fellowship In Rural Development: SBI Invites Freshers And Young Professionals

Education Edited by Updated: May 17, 2024, 10:49 pm
13-Month Paid Fellowship In Rural Development: SBI Invites Freshers And Young Professionals

13-Month Paid Fellowship In Rural Development: SBI Invites Freshers And Young Professionals (image/youthforindia.org)

The State Bank of India (SBI) Foundation, the CSR arm of the State Bank Group, is inviting freshmen and young working professionals for its 12th edition of the ‘Youth for India Fellowship’ program. The fellowship provides a framework for educated urban youth, fresh graduates, or young professionals to foster change with rural communities and NGOs at the grassroots.

Over the last 11 years, through its various youth-led interventions, the SBI fellowship has impacted over 150,000 lives in 250+ villages across 20 states.

The requirements for applying for the fellowship include that applicants be Indian citizens, overseas citizens of India, or citizens of Bhutan and Nepal. Applicants between the ages of 21 and 32 with a bachelor’s degree to be completed before October 1 of this year can apply for the fellowship.

The last date to send your applications is May 21.

Moreover, the 13-month program on Rural Development is a paid fellowship. Stage one of the application process includes registration and online assessment, while stage two is a personal interview.

The opportunity will help applicants see rural life from close and work towards sustainable rural development goals in conjunction with local communities and non-profits.

Interested applicants can register at the following link: www.youthforindia.org/register.