Kozhikode, January 25: The popular Malayalam novel Ram C/O Anandhi by Akhil P Dharmajan is set to be adapted into a film, as announced at the Kerala Literature Festival in Kozhikode. The news was revealed during a session on Saturday, where the author was in conversation with Seethal Shyam.
Set in Chennai, the novel is a poignant tale of love, loss, and friendship. It follows Ram, an aspiring filmmaker from Alleppey, Kerala, who moves to Chennai to pursue his dreams. At his film school, he encounters Anandhi, a receptionist, and their initial hostility gradually blossoms into passion. However, they face societal barriers and personal fears, forcing them to question whether their love is worth the fight.
Ram C/O Anandhi is celebrated for its emotional depth, unexpected twists, and its vivid portrayal of Chennai’s cultural backdrop. It explores themes such as love, friendship, destiny, and the courage to embrace love without limits.
Produced under the banner of Wealth Eye Cinemas, the film is being produced by Vignesh Vijayakumar. The film is being directed by debutante director Anusha Pillai.
An official announcement was made in in a ceremony held at the Kochi Grand Hyatt, Wealth I Group CEO Vignesh Vijayakumar, the director, and Kamal, the chairman of the Wealth I Cinemas jury, jointly announced the film. Reports suggest that the film, which is being made in both Malayalam and Tamil, will feature leading stars from both film industries.
An English translation of the book was released at the festival.