An Incredible Story Of A Mother And A Son You Don't Want To Miss On This Teacher's Day

Education Edited by Updated: Sep 01, 2023, 5:34 pm
An Incredible Story Of A Mother And A Son You Don't Want To Miss On This Teacher's Day

As Mother As Son: The Incredible Story Of Two Teachers (Image:

The Union Ministry of Education provides an annual recognition of country”s best teachers on on the occasion of Teachers” Day, celebrated on September 5. And this year, there are thirteen college professors in the list who have been selected for the National Award to Teachers 2023 for higher education. But among them, the name of a professor who hails from IIT Bombay is really special.

Prof. Raghavan B Sunoj. He is a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry in the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.

But there is something more that makes his award winning really special.

Mr Sunoj is going to receive the award exactly after 23 years his mother received the same..! Yes, Mrs K Vasantha Kumari, Mr Sunjo”s mother, was the recipient of National Award to Teachers for her exceptional commitment to primary school education 23 years back. And now Mr Sunoj, following the path of his mother, is earning the Nation”s recognition for Higher Education.

The incredible story, better a journey, was shared by IIT Bombay on Linkedin.

“This is indeed a proud moment for IIT Bombay!”, they wrote.

“I am humbled to have been chosen for this award”, responded Prof. Sunoj.

“It has been an amazing experience teaching some of the brightest students over last two decades, through various modes of interaction, helping them learn concepts, solve problems, and to enjoy the fun of learning chemistry,” IIT Bombay quoted Prof Sanoj.

The National Award to Teachers is given to celebrate, appreciate, and provide public recognition to outstanding meritorious teachers in the country.

Prof Sanoj as well as other recipients will be awarded on the occasion of Teachers’ Day 2023 on September 5 by the President of India. The awardees will get Rs 50,000 cash and a silver medal at a ceremony to be held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi.

The award has been divided into two major categories and several sub-categories. Among the current selected teachers, four are from Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).