Rajasthan Board 10th Result: Official Said This On Class 10 Results’ Date

Education Edited by Updated: May 27, 2024, 11:24 am
Rajasthan Board 10th Result: Official Said This On Class 10 Results’ Date

Rajasthan Board 10th Result On rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in: Official Said This On Class 10 Results’ Date

As per the media reports, the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) is expected to announce the class 10th board exam 2024 result this week, however, an official told Timeline that no date has been confirmed yet. This year the RBSE class 10th board exams were conducted from March 7 to March 30, 2024. Last year the class 10th board result was announced on June 2, 2023.

Students may check the RBSE official website for the latest updates on class 10th board results – rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in. Students must have the login credentials ready as roll number, date of birth, and registration number will be used to check the results.

Notably, the RBSE share the additional details along with the results including topper list, overall pass percentage and gender-wise performance and more.

In 2023 Rajasthan board result, girls outperformed boys by securing a total 91.3% pass percentage, while boys secured only 89.78%. It is to be mentioned that to clear the class 10th board exam a student must secure a grade D which is equivalent to a minimum 33 percent marks.

Rajasthan Board Class 10th Result: How to check the result

Step 1: Visit the RBSE official website –rajeduboard.rajasthan.gov.in and rajresults.nic.in

Step 2: Check RBSE board class 10th exam link.

Step 3: Use login credentials – Roll Number and Application and click on submit button.

Step 4: Result will be displayed on the screen. Download and save/printout the result for future reference.