Rishi Sunak Announces Ban On Mobile Phones In Classrooms Across England

Education Edited by Updated: Feb 20, 2024, 3:02 pm
Rishi Sunak Announces Ban On Mobile Phones In Classrooms Across England

Rishi Sunak Announces Ban On Mobile Phones In Classrooms Across England (image@RishiSunak)

UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak shared a video message on his X (formerly twitter), voicing new government policy to ban mobile phones in classrooms. The new mandate was issued on February 19, by prohibiting mobile phones in schools across Britain. The move is for making learning environment safer and more focused.

In the video Sunak was trying to convey the message by showing how “frustrating” mobile phones are when one is trying to concentrate on something. While he tries to convey the message that mobile is one of the biggest issues that children and teachers grapple with every day, his mobile phone kept ringing.

Sunak said “almost one-third of the secondary school pupils said their lessons were disrupted by phones”. He said mobile phones are causing bullying in schools. Schools has already banned mobile phones and that has led to a “safer and better learning environment” for the students.


Sunak said the new guidance from the government is aimed at helping other schools to do what they need to do for making it safer and better. The Prime Minister said the government is trying to ensure that the children receive the education they deserve.

Earlier, Sunak proposed ban on vape aiming for a “cigarette free generation”. He said there is “no safe level of smoking”. Sunak said the United Kingdom would be smoke-free by the year 2030. Since this “proposal” need to be presented in the Parliament to gain approval, Mr. Sunak said it would be a “free vote”, as he urged the politicians to take decisions under the light of a “matter of conscious”.