Congress today released the names of three more candidates for Telangana for the ongoing Lok Sabha elections. The list includes Mohammed Waliullah Sameer for Hyderabad which is already seeing high-octane campaigning with the presence of AIMIM’s sitting MP Asaduddin Owaisi and BJP’s Madhavi Latha.
All three candidates included in the latest list are from the state of Telangana. The list further included Velichala Rajender Rao from Karimnagar and Ramasahayam Raghuram Reddy from Khammam Lok Sabha constituency.
In Karimnagar, the BJP has re-nominated the sitting MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar who wrested power from Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS)“s Boianapalli Vinod Kumar during the 2019 general elections. The Bharat Rashtra Samithi, the renamed TRS has fielded the former MP B. Vinod Kumar from the seat
In Khammam, the BRS has fielded its incumbent MP Nama Nageswara Rao while the BJP nominated Tandra Vinod Rao. Both Khammam and Karimnagar had been formerly represented by the grand old party and party influence among the electorates.
The Congress had on Monday released seven candidates from Punjab and Bihar. Notably, the party is yet to announce candidates for some important constituencies such as Amethi. As the 2024 general election enters the second phase on April 26, Rahul Gandhi”s second nomination from Amethi still remains uncertain.