The Indian National Congress gave ticket to Phool Singh Baraiya from Bhind Lok Sabha constituency of Madhya Pradesh. Braiya had been with Congress for a long time. During the 2023 assembly election, Baraiya made it to the headlines for his statement made on behalf of the election. Baraiya is the sitting MLA of Bhander constituency.
He said if the Bharatiya Janata Party secured more than 50 seats in the assembly election, he would blacken his face in front of Raj Bhavan. However, for his misfortune, the BJP garnered a massive victory in Madhya Pradesh. The Saffron party workers then started to take jibe at Baraiya.
He was saved from the embarrassment by the Youth Congress leader of Gwalior, Yogesh Dandotiya. He then appealed to Braiya and said that his words have been respected and he does not need to blacken his face anymore.
Reportedly, the Bhind-Datia constituency is not easy for both BJP and Congress. When BJP’s Sandhya Rai go for election campaigns, voters are giving her cold shoulders. They as where she has been for the past five years and what has she done for them so far. Though Baraiya is from Bhind district, his political works were mainly concentrated in Bhander of Datia, where he is the MLA now.
Bhind is the political powerhouse renowned for its influence in Indian politics. during the 2019 General Assembly Election, Bhind witnessed a fierce battle between BJP and Congress and eventually, BJP’s Sandhya Rai secured the seat over the margin of 1,99,885 votes. She won 5,27,694 votes.