Music Maestro Rashid Khan Dies At 55 (X image @SarkarSupriyo)
Ustad Rashid Khan, the music maestro died at 55 due to prostate cancer. The announcement of his death was made by Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal. According PTI, Khan undergoing treatment during.
An official of the Kolkata based hospital where Rashid Khan was admitted said that they but failed, and added that Rashid Khan died at 3:45 pm. Mamata Banerjee, who visited the hospital said that, “this is a great loss for the entire country and the entire fraternity. I am in lot of pain as I still can’t believe that Rashid Khan is no more”.
Khan’s health started to deteriorate after suffering from cerebral attack last month. He initially received treatment from Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital, but later decided to take the treatment from Kolkata. Media report said, Rashid Khan was responding positively to the treatment initially.
Hailed from Uttar Pradesh, Rashid Khan’s musical talent was first recognized by his uncle Ghulam Mustafa Khan. At the age of eleven, Rashid Khan delivered his first concert, in the year 1978. He went on blend classical Hindustani music with lighter music genres and engaged himself in experimental collaborations, which also included concerts with Western instrumentalist, Louis Banks.