Alarming Rise In Measles Cases In Europe: WHO

Health Edited by Updated: Jan 24, 2024, 1:29 pm
Alarming Rise In Measles Cases In Europe: WHO

Alarming Rise In Measles Cases In Europe: WHO (image: Mufid Majnun/

The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning that comparing to last year, there was an “alarming” rise in measles cases in Europe close to 45-fold. Health chiefs are warning that as cases are rising, to prevent acceleration “urgent measures” need to be adopted.

Compared to 941 cases reported in 2022, 42,200 infected cases were reported in 2023.

About the current situation in Europe, Dr Hans Kluge, regional director at the WHO told BBC: “We have seen, in the region, not only a 30-fold increase in measles cases, but also nearly 21,000 hospitalisations and five measles- deaths. This is concerning.”

WHO observed that situation going to aggravate if people do not vaccinate their children against measles. Amid rise in case, UK began campaign to initiate parents to get the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine for their children. The vaccine which is given in two doses has proven effective at protecting against measles, however, BBC reports that only 85% of children starting primary school in the UK have had both jabs.

According to National Health Service (NHS) England, over 3.4 million children under the age of 16 are unprotected and are at the risk of becoming ill from the disease. The measles had affected all age group last year, the WHO said.

A highly contagious viral infection, measles begin with fever and a rash and may lead to serious complications including pneumonia, meningitis, blindness and seizures. By affecting lung and brain, it may sometimes result in death.

Pregnant women, people with weakened immune system, and babies who are too young to receive vaccine come under most risk category.

The WHO Europe region comprises 53 countries, including Russia and Central Asia. Forty of the countries registered measles cases in 2023, organisation said. In Western Europe, UK which declared measles as a national health incident has registered most cases with 183. Meanwhile, Russia and Kazakhstan affected the worst, reporting 10,000 cases each.

(With inputs from BBC)