Haryana BJP chief Mohanlal Badoli and singer Rocky Mittal, also known as Jai Bhagwan, have been accused of gang rape following a complaint filed by a woman from New Delhi. The alleged incident occurred on July 3, 2023, at the Ros Common Hotel, a Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation property in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh.
The complainant stated in the FIR, registered on December 13 at Kasauli police station, that she was on a trip to Himachal Pradesh with her employer and a friend. During their stay, they met the two accused. According to the FIR, Mittal offered the complainant a role in his music album, while Badoli claimed he could secure her a government job due to his political connections.
The woman alleged that the duo forcibly made her consume alcohol and then took turns raping her. They also reportedly clicked compromising photographs and recorded videos of the act, threatening to release them and harm her if she disclosed the incident to anyone.
The FIR further mentions that two months ago, the accused summoned the complainant to Mittal’s residence in Panchkula, where they allegedly threatened to implicate her in a false criminal case. The complainant appealed for justice, urging authorities to delete the objectionable material from the accused’s devices and take stringent action against them.
Police have registered a case under Sections 376D (gang rape) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code. Solan Superintendent of Police Gaurav Singh confirmed the registration of the FIR and stated that an investigation is underway. Statements from the suspects are being recorded, and further action will follow.
Reacting to the allegations, Badoli dismissed them as baseless and politically motivated, suggesting they were fabricated due to the upcoming elections in Delhi. “Such FIRs can be fudged,” he said, denying any involvement. Mittal has not responded to calls or messages from the media.