IUML MP PV Abdul Wahab Opposes Post Office Bill 2023 In Rajya Sabha
Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) MP PV Abdul Wahab strongly opposed the passage of the Post Office Bill 2023 in the Rajya Sabha today.
He argued that, this legislation not only undermines the fundamental right to privacy of Indian citizens but also paves the way for unchecked abuse and inefficiency within the postal system.
Under the guise of national security, according to Mr Wahab, the bill grants sweeping powers to postal employees to intercept and open any parcel. “This blatant disregard for confidentiality leaves sensitive personal information and business documents vulnerable to unauthorized scrutiny. With no oversight or accountability mechanisms, the potential for misuse is immense.
“Furthermore, the bill shields postal officers from any liability for loss, misdelivery, or damage of postal articles. This essentially grants them immunity for negligence and incompetence, effectively leaving citizens with no recourse when their mail is mishandled,” said Mr. Wahab.
Mr. Wahab also expressed his concern that the bill also empowers the provision of bringing market led factors to set its own prices, supposedly to compete in the market. “However, this flexibility comes at a heavy cost. Without proper regulatory safeguards, there”s a real risk of postal services becoming exorbitantly expensive, especially for rural communities and low-income individuals who rely heavily on affordable mail delivery.
“This bill is a recipe for disaster,” he added. “It invades our privacy, erodes trust in a vital public service, and potentially burdens the most vulnerable sections of society. He urged the government to reconsider this legislation and prioritize the security, accountability, and affordability of the Post Office for all.”
Mr. Wahab demanded that government should look into various factors such as, strict safeguards against unauthorized interception of postal articles, clear liability mechanisms for loss, misdelivery, or damage caused by postal negligence and Independent oversight to ensure fair and affordable pricing for postal services.