What Government Does For Effective Implementation Of Ban On Single-Use Plastics (image: pixabay)
New Delhi: The government informed Lok Sabha on Monday about the steps it has proposed or taken to ensure implementation of ban on single-use plastics (SUP) along with steps for advancing the availability of economically viable non-plastic substitutes. The details was tabled on Monday, December 2 by the Minister for Environment, Forest, and Climate Change Bhupender Yadav while answering questions raised by Congress MP Kuldeep Indora from Ganganagar.
Minister said that States and Union territories have been asked take forward regular enforcement drives to implement ban on identified single use plastic items and on plastic carry bags possessing thickness less than one hundred microns. “Actions have been taken by concerned authorities on the deviations, which include seizure of banned single use plastic items and levy of penalty,” the government has said. Besides, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs), and Plastic Category Classification Codes (PCCs) also gives attention to items sold as alternatives to banned SUP items like paper plates covered with plastic sheets, but which are actually banned SUP objects.
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The government also held that pan India enforcement campaigns have been adopted for implementation of ban on identified SUP items since July 2022 by CPCB, SPCBs/PCCs and local authorities. A total of 60,367 inspections have been executed during enforcement campaigns, and a fine around Rs. 19.77 Cr was imposed and 1963.6 tons of plastic was seized.
Aside from this, for effective monitoring of ban on SUP items and plastic waste management, the online platforms such as National Dashboard for monitoring of implementation of comprehensive action plan, CPCB Monitoring Module for Compliance on Elimination of Single Use Plastic, and CPCB Grievance Redressal App are in operation in the country.
The Minister detailed about steps taken by the Central Government, State Governments and local authorities to advance eco-friendly alternatives. “The Department of Science and Technology and Department of Biotechnology support research and development projects for alternatives to banned single use plastic items, as per scheme guidelines. NITI Aayog has also brought out a report on alternative products and technologies to plastics and their applications. The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has schemes to provide support to MSME units, which include support to such units which were earlier involved in manufacturing of banned single use plastic items for switching over to alternatives / other products,” Minister has said.
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Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change organised the National Expo on Eco alternatives to SUPs and Start-up Conference 2022 during 26th -27th of September 2022 in Chennai. The expo revealed several innovative products in the eco- friendly arena which made from diverse raw materials by manufacturers, Self Help Groups and many other start-up ventures across India, the government added.
Minister further said that concerned Central Ministries have organised Hackathons to encourage innovation in development of alternatives to banned SUP items and digital solutions to plastic waste management. The ban of the single-use plastics have facilitated the development of innovative eco-alternatives. In view of this, Bureau of Indian Standard has announced Indian Standard IS 18267, which specifies the generic requirements that should be abided in the production and handling of food serving utensils made from agri by-products.