houthi attack in Red Sea

Putin Contemplates Arming Houthis With Cruise Missiles: Report

Vladimir Putin | Jul 03, 2024

Russia has been coordinating with the Houthis as part of its growing connection with Iran. Moscow started to seek new and deeper alli..

Houthi Attacks On Red Sea Imperil Shipment Of Indian Fuel To Europe While Surging Towards East Asia

Business | Feb 20, 2024

The Red Sea crisis has led to the disruption of shipments of diesel from India into Europe. The shipping has reached its lowest point..

German Ship Carrying 240 Soldiers Heads To Red Sea To Prevent The Houthi Attacks

Business | Feb 13, 2024

A German naval vessel is heading towards the Red Sea to prevent the Houthi attack in the region. As per navigational data collected f..

Indian Navy's INS Visakapatnam Comes To Rescue After Receiving SOS Calls From Red Sea

West Asia | Jan 27, 2024

A Marshall Islands-flagged oil tanker Marlin Laund was attacked by missile on Friday night. As a reponse to..

Red Sea Crisis Soars Higher In Damages Than Covid 19 For Supply Chain: Maritime Advisory

Business | Jan 19, 2024

Houthi attacks in the Red Sea are seemingly bringing in more damages to the supply chain than the early Covid 19 pandemic. According..