New York Times

"The Story Is False": New York Times Debunks Its Own Story About October 7th Sexual Assault By Hamas

West Asia | Mar 27, 2024

Though it could not be proved, the New York Times held tighter to their claim that Hamas used systematic sex..

ChatGPT Users To Soon Get Access To News Content

Technology | Mar 14, 2024

Amid the legal battle with The New York Times over copyright infringement, OpenAI has announced partnerships with two major internati..

Explainer: New York Times’ Celebrated Story Of Hamas Sexual Assault On Oct.7 And Its Debunking

Media | Feb 29, 2024

Anat Schwartz is in trouble. She is silent on her claims that Hamas has systematically used sexual violence against Israelis on Octob..

Copyright Infringement: New York Times Sues OpenAI And Microsoft 

Technology | Dec 28, 2023

The New York Times filed a federal lawsuit against Microsoft and OpenAI on Wednesday. The lawsuit claims that both the companies are..

Reuters Responds To Accusation About Having 'Prior Knowledge About The October 7th Attack'

West Asia | Nov 09, 2023

Reuters news agency has released a statement on their X (formerly twitter) page as response to ‘HonestReport..