Tuesday, May 21


Hugs Can Soothe Pain, Anxiety, And Depression, Confirms Study

Hugs Can Soothe Pain, Anxiety, And Depression, Confirms Study

Ever had the moment when you feel horrible and then a loved one hugs you and everything feels better? Well, a recent study has confirmed that physical touch, including hugs, can do wonders for improving the mental and physical health of individuals. Research conducted by teams from Germany and th...
Gender Disparity In Organ Donors And Receivers: Report

Gender Disparity In Organ Donors And Receivers: Report

As per the recent study, four of the five living organ donors in India are women, and four of the five transplantations are received by men. The study reported by Times of India states that "for every woman who received an organ, four men got transplants in the country." Health experts claims that t...
Youth Prefer YouTube And WhatsApp Over Facebook: Study

Youth Prefer YouTube And WhatsApp Over Facebook: Study

A study conducted by the Bharat Lab, an initiative led by Rediffusion and the University of Lucknow, has unveiled the shifting media consumption habits of youth in India's Tier 2 and 3 regions and rural areas. The report titled "Apna Time Aa Gaya" delves into how young individuals in Bharat spend th...