49 Killed In Kuwait Building Fire: 10 Highlights

Ten Highlights From Kuwait Building Fire That Killed 49, Mostly Indians

Kuwait building fire Edited by Updated: Jun 13, 2024, 2:33 pm
49 Killed In Kuwait Building Fire: 10 Highlights

Ten Highlights From Kuwait Building Fire That Killed 49, Mostly Indians

The death toll from the massive fire that engulfed a building in Kuwait’s Mangaf region on Wednesday morning has been increasing. So far, at least 49 people are feared dead. Most of those dead in the mishap are Indian nationals working in the Gulf nation.

Here are the top ten highlights from the fire tragedy in Kuwait’s Mangaf City:

  1. The fire that originated in a kitchen spread across the apartments of the six-storyed building and the presence of gas cylinders aggravated the fire and hence casualties.
  2. In addition to causing the death of over 49 people, at least 50 persons sustained injuries. The building had accommodated around 200  workers from the nearby areas. Most deaths were due to the inhalation of smoke caused by the huge fire.
  3. Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah has ordered an investigation into the incident and vowed to hold accountable all responsible for the unfortunate event. He also expressed sorrow and sympathy to the families of the victims. 
  4. First Deputy Prime Minister Sheikh Fahad Al-Yousuf Al-Sabah ordered the arrest of the owner of the building that caught fire due to an alleged short circuit. The Gulf nation’s public prosecutor has started an investigation into the fire incident, Kuwaiti news agency KUNA reported.
  5. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi among others have expressed shock at the incident. Indian authorities has extended support and assistance to the tragedy-hit citizens. 
  6. The Prime Minister announced an ex gravata of Rs two lakh to the families of the deceased and directed the Junior external minister to visit Kuwait and oversee the situation. 
  7. Minister of State for External Affairs Kirti Vardhan Singh has said that he is flying to Kuwait  to ensure early repatriation of mortal remains of those killed, and to monitor the situation. 
  8. Indian ambassador to Kuwait Adarsh Swaika visited many hospitals including where the injured have been admitted. The ambassador also assured all help to the victims. 
  9. As many of those affected are from Kerala, Non-resident Keralites Association (NORKA) has set up 24-hour help desk. The organisation, established to redress the grievances of Non-Resident Keralites by the Kerala Government, has been monitoring the situation and extending all the help to the victims.
  10. The Kerala government confirmed that the number of Keralites who died in the fire.  State cabinet held today decided to provide Rs.5 lakhs ex gratia for the family members of each of the Malayalees who have lost their lives in the fire mishap in Kuwait. The resident vice chairman P Shriramakrishnan of the organisation said they are working with Malayali associations in Kuwait along with Lok Kerala Sabha members to assist in the relief operations.

NORKA issued several helpline numbers to contact for emergencies:

Anoop Mangad  +965 90039594

Bijoy +965 66893942

Richi K George  +965 60615153

Anil Kumar  +965 66015200

Thomas Shelvan +965 51714124

Ranjith +965 55575492

Naveen +965 99861103

Ansari +965 60311882

Jins Thomas  +965 65589453,

Sugathan +96 555464554,  

K Saji + 96599122984.