Amnesty Calls The Decision To Stop Funding UNRWA "Inhumane"

West Asia Edited by Updated: Jan 30, 2024, 12:58 pm
Amnesty Calls The Decision To Stop Funding UNRWA

Amnesty Calls The Decision To Stop Funding UNRWA "Inhumane" (image@UNRWA)

After several countries announced suspension of funding to UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinians), Amnesty International came forward accusing the countries of acting inhumanely by withholding funds for the UN Agency.

In a statement, Amnesty called on the countries t o reverse their decision on suspension of funding as the move would cause “further suffering to 2 million Palestinians, who are already facing the risk of genocide and an engineered famine”. Amnesty said, Israel and “right-wing groups have for years led a smear campaign against UNRWA, which plays a key role in protecting Palestinians’ right of return to their lands”.

The group highlighted that Norway, Spain, Ireland, and Belgium has stayed away from the decision of suspending funds, as they recognized the vital role played by the UNRWA in providing the humanitarian aid to those in desperate need.

Agnes Callamard, Secretary-General of Amnesty said it was “disrespectful” that the US, Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, and France cut aid to UNRWA. He said it is “deeply shocking and appalling” that such decisions were taken over allegations concerning 12 employees when UNRWA have total of 30,000 staff. Callamard said, “the alleged actions of a few individuals must not be used as a pretext for cutting off life-saving assistance in what could amount to collective punishment”.

The Amnesty Secretary-General also said that instead of cutting funds to the desperately needed humanitarian aids to those in need, the states should work on halting to provide arms to the Israeli and Palestinian groups, and call for an “immediate and sustained ceasefire”.

After Israel’s claim that workers of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) played a role in the October 7th Hamas attack on Israel, the agency has sacked several employees, after being briefed on the allegations. Following the accusation, US, Canada, UK, Australia, Britain, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, and Japan suspended their funding to the agency.