Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Responds to ICJ's Order on Gaza Conflict
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has issued a firm response to the International Court of Justice“s (ICJ) recent order directing Israel to take measures to prevent acts of genocide during its conflict with Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip.
The Court asked Israel to take all measures to prevent the genocide in Gaza and then ordered the country to report within one month on what it is doing to uphold the ICJ’s order to prevent the acts of genocide in Gaza. The court further asked Israel to take immediate and effective steps to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The ICJ was delivering its verdict in the case filed by South Africa accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.
Netanyahu, in a statement, emphasized Israel”s unwavering commitment to international law while asserting its inherent right to self-defense. He stated, “Israel”s commitment to international law is unshakable. Equally unshakable is our sacred commitment to continue to defend our country and protect our people.”
Addressing the accusations of genocide, Netanyahu dismissed them as false and outrageous. He asserted that denying Israel the fundamental right to defend itself amounted to blatant discrimination against the Jewish state and should be rightfully rejected. He went on to pledge, “On the eve of International Holocaust Day, I once again pledge as Prime Minister of Israel – never again.”
Netanyahu reiterated that Israel”s conflict was with the terrorist organization Hamas, not Palestinian civilians. He accused Hamas of committing horrific atrocities against the Jewish people, emphasizing that Israel”s war aimed to protect the country from a genocidal terrorist organization.
Despite the ongoing conflict, Netanyahu affirmed Israel”s commitment to humanitarian efforts, stating, “We will continue to facilitate humanitarian aid, and do our utmost to keep civilians away from harm, even when Hamas uses civilians as human shields. We will continue to do what is necessary to protect our country and protect our people.