"Waiting For The Zionists": Houthis Release Music Video Dancing On The Deck Of Seized Cargo Ship

West Asia Edited by Updated: Jan 30, 2024, 9:56 am

"Waiting For The Zionists": Houthis Release Music Video Dancing On The Deck Of Seized Cargo Ship (image:screengrab from the song)

Houthis has released a music video which was reportedly sponsored by their Navy, discussing the group’s Red Sea operation while sending a message of defiance to Israel and its allies. The singers, who appeared in traditional Yemeni outfits sang, “My people are waiting for the Zionists”, as they danced on the boast near the shore. The song is said to be performed in Tihami Arabic dialect, which is native to Yemen’s West Coast.

The song said, “Quds (Jerusalem) will be liberated and its glory will be restored”. It said, “ask the Zionists not to brag, their strength will definitely be defeated”. The song vows that the Red Sea crisis will continue until the Israeli aggression on Gaza is stopped. The Houthis asked Jews to leave the ‘Quds’ alone, and warned that America or Saudi will not be able to benefit Israel for longer.

The Yemeni group were also seen sing and dance on the deck of the Galaxy leader, the cargo ship that has been seized by the group last November, at the early days of beginning of the Red Sea crisis. The cargo ship has now turned into a sort of tourist attraction for Yemenis, as per media report.

The song said, the Galaxy leader, which is reserved on the Yemeni region, bears witness to the group’s vow to keep up until Gaza is liberated.


The Houthis of Yemen has declared the attack on the shipments through the Red Sea as gesture support for Palestine. The group claimed to attack only ships carrying goods to Israel. They said the attack will not be stopped until Israel stops the genocidal war in Gaza. Container ships are thus forced to take the longer routes Africa, which demands heavy cost