At Rs 36.79 lakh, Jeep India has reintroduced the Limited (O) AT 4×4 model. When the SUV’s mild redesign arrived late last year, this variant—which had been available when it was initially introduced—was taken from the lineup. Jeep stores nationwide are already accepting reservations for this new version. The Meridian Limited (O) AT 4×4 is priced Rs 1.7 lakh less than the top-spec Overland 4×4 model (Rs 38.49 million) and Rs 2.3 lakh more than its 4×2 AT cousin (Rs 34.49 lakh). Although the higher-end Limited (O) trim now incorporates 4×4 technology, including hill-descent assist and terrain modes, and almost all of the features found in the top-end Overland, it is devoid of the Level 2 ADAS suite, leatherette upholstery, and a few other features.
The gap between its 4×2 AT and top-spec Overland 4×4 trims has been closed with the return of the Jeep Meridian Limited (O) AT 4×4 model, priced at ₹36.79 lakh. Although it has important 4×4 features like hill-descent assistance and terrain settings, it lacks Level 2 ADAS and the high-end upholstery found in the Overland model. The Limited (O) AT 4×4 guarantees great performance thanks to its powerful 2.0-litre diesel engine that produces 170 horsepower and a 9-speed automated transmission. With current prices ranging from ₹24.99 to ₹38.49 lakh, the Meridian line, which competes with cars such as the Skoda Kodiaq, VW Tiguan, and Hyundai Tucson, provides an alluring blend of elegance and functionality.
The 4×4 models use the same 2.0-liter diesel engine with 170 horsepower and a 9-speed automated transmission, therefore there are no mechanical differences. It should be noted that the Limited (O) has a 6-speed manual option in addition to a 9-speed torque converter unit when it is in 4×2 configuration. Additionally, Jeep India has unveiled an accessories kit for the Meridian that includes both inside and exterior modifications. Decals on the bonnet and sides, a chrome headlamp surround, and adjustable interior ambient lighting are all included in the kit. The base 5-seat Longitude model of the Jeep Meridian line costs Rs 24.99 lakh, while the top-spec Overland 4×4 model costs Rs 38.49 lakh. It competes with vehicles like the Hyundai Tucson, Volkswagen Tiguan, and Skoda Kodiaq.