How An Online Romance Scam Led To The Murder Of Three Siblings In Spain

Business Edited by Updated: Jan 25, 2024, 9:11 pm
How An Online Romance Scam Led To The Murder Of Three Siblings In Spain

How Online Romance Scam Led To The Murder Of Three Siblings In Spain

An online romance scam that led to the killing of three elderly siblings recently grabbed the headlines, with the civil guard arresting a 42-year-old Pakistani origin named Dilawar Hussain. The incident occurred in a town in Madrid, Spain and the investigation for further details of the murder is underway.

The suspect confessed his crime, saying that he killed all three siblings because they were unable to pay the debt that they owed to him. According to the civil guard, the motive behind the murder is linked to the siblings” involvement in an online scam and the subsequent borrowing from Hussain.

According to friends and neighbours, two siblings, Amelia and Angeles were dating for many years online with people that they say from the US Army. Though all three siblings lived together, the third one, Ayuso was not engaged in such an online relationship. However, Amelia was sending money to the men they were dating online. The sisters had sent up to 436,232 US dollars to a man claimed as ‘Edward’ from the US army. As per the reports, they were contacted each other via Facebook.

The online romance thus consumed the wealth and the financial stability of the siblings, forcing them to borrow from the locals and approach other lenders. Reportedly, the sisters have even asked for money from the mayor and priest. They also sold their property in some other areas to send money to their online lovers. Due to the sibling”s constant request for money from the bank, even the bank had warned them of potential online scam, according to one of the neighbours

The murderer Hussain was familiar with the siblings when he stayed with them for months as a lodger. He told the police that the sisters had to give him a large amount of money and they did not pay it back. Hussain also said that he had attacked Amelia twice in February 2023 and was arrested by the police. “We told them that it was all a lie, that it was a scam, but they didn”t want to hear the word “scam”,” the neighbour said.