Saturday, May 18


NASA Captures Two Giant Explosions On Sun

NASA Captures Two Giant Explosions On Sun

American space agency NASA has recorded two explosions on the sun. The explosions have resulted in the release of powerful solar flares on Friday and Saturday. The agency’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured several images of the event.  As per the statement released by NASA, the two solar flare...
Total Solar Eclipse: Everything You Need To Know

Total Solar Eclipse: Everything You Need To Know

Solar eclipse chasers will have a magnificent experience of the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 that will be visible from the US, Mexico and Canada. On Monday, according to scientists, umbraphiles or eclipse enthusiasts will have a brief moment of spectacle as the moon passes in front of the Su...
Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth: What Does It Mean

Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth: What Does It Mean

United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has released a statement saying ta severe (G4) geomagnetic storming has been observed and is expected to continue through the remainder of the 24 March-UTC day and into the first half of 25 March. According to NOAA, a severe ge...
INSAT-3DS Begins Imaging The Earth, First Pics Are Out

INSAT-3DS Begins Imaging The Earth, First Pics Are Out

INSAT-3DS, ISRO’s cutting-edge meteorological satellite, has commenced Earth imaging operations, unveiling its inaugural set of images captured on March 7, 2024. Launched into orbit on February 17, 2024, INSAT-3DS swiftly ascended to its designated geostationary slot following meticulous orbit-raisi...