CBSE Class 12 Physics Paper Was 'Moderately Difficult', Say Experts

CBSE Class 12 Physics Paper Was 'Moderately Difficult', Say Experts

CBSE Class 12 Physics Paper Was 'Moderately Difficult', Say Experts

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducted Class 12 Physics paper today, on March 4, 2024. The exam was scheduled from 10.30am to 1.30pm. This year, a total of nearly 39 lakh students are appearing for the CBSE examinations across the country and 26 foreign centers. Students appearing in the examination were advised to arrive at the center at least 30 minutes before the commencement of the exam with admit cards.

Reportedly, the CBSE Class 10 examinations has been started from February 15 and will conclude on March 13 while the CBSE Class 12 examinations will begin from March 15 next year and will end on April 2.

To know about the Physics exam”s level of difficulty we reached out to the experts and as per their analysis, the question paper was “moderately difficult”.

Rakesh Sansanwal, Anshu Dua and Dinesh Kumar Yadav, teachers from the Physics Department of Army Public School, Delhi Cantt, told Timeline this:

“In today’s paper few MCQs and in other sections few questions were tricky. One question of 2 marker was based on photoelectric effect, was out of the box question in which student might get confused. Overall paper was moderately difficult. A well-prepared student can score above 60 marks out of 70. Few direct derivations and NCERT numerical were asked.”

As per the students reactions of today”s Physic exam, they also found it tough and even some compared it with the IIT JEE exam.

One user on X shared “I”ve yet to meet a student who is satisfied with the CBSE Physics exam…. This was supposed to be class 12th not IITJEE where (understandably) the sole criterion is to reject students.”

Comparing today”s exam with the previous year”s physics exam, students found it tough. Another User said, “very tough I solved all last three they were so easy this was smth of NEET JEE level”

Further updates on the board examinations can be found on the official websites of the board at and The CBSE exam date sheets have been prepared by avoiding more than 40,000 subjects combinations to ensure that no two subjects’ examinations of a student fall on the same date,” CBSE said in a statement.

CBSE Time Table 2024

CBSE Class 10 Date Sheet

CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet