Mental Health Of Students In Coaching Centres: New Framework For Coaching Centres

Education Edited by Updated: Jan 19, 2024, 11:02 am
Mental Health Of Students In Coaching Centres: New Framework For Coaching Centres

Mental Health Of Students In Coaching Centres: New Framework For Coaching Centres (Photo from Pixabay)

The new guidelines for the coaching centres released by the Ministry of Education place significant importance on the mental health of students, which has been the case for concerns for institutions in the recent past. There have been reported cases of suicides associated with the pressure cooker education system and the competition of the coaching centres in India.

Given the higher competition and academic pressure on the students in the coaching centres, the new guidelines directs coaching centres to implement steps to address the mental well-being of the students. The guidelines asks the centres not to put undue pressure on students and to establish a mechanism for finding and assisting students who going through stressful situations.

The authorities should also ensure that a counselling system should be available for students and parents, with the psychologist’s name, times and services being notified. A trained psychologist should be appointed to provide effective counselling for the students and parents.

The guidelines also encourage centres to include experienced psychologists to provide psychotherapeutic services to those experiencing mental stress and depression. In addition, career counsellors may assess the student’s interest and capability to counsel them to set realistic expectations and choose career options

Workshops and awareness weeks may also be conducted, emphasising health, nutrition, personal and public hygiene, disaster response and first aid. It should also include awareness about the detrimental effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Positive parenting should also be promoted in the interaction session, the guidelines says.

Apart from that, the tutors in the coaching centres should also undergo training in mental health issues, enabling them to sensitively convey the information to students and the tutors are asked to clear all the doubts of the students. The coaching centres are also directed to establish peer group interaction and group projects for the students

The guidelines also include a framework for coaching centres to follow in the institution for the promotion of mental framework. As per the guidelines, the level of intervention should be determined according to the level of problems. Here is the framework issued by the higher education ministry for mental health promotions at coaching centres.

Framework for mental health

Level of problems Stakeholder to be involved Level of intervention
Mental wellbeing Entire Institutional Community Mental Wellbeing Integrated in Institutional Curriculum
Mental Health Knowledge Attitudes & Behaviour All Students and Tutors Mental Wellbeing – Part of General Health Curriculum
Psychosocial Problems Counsellors, Tutors, Peer Mentors, Wardens and Citizens Extending Additional Help to Students in Need
Severe Problems/Disorders Counsellors, Institutional Doctors and Other Experts Professional Management