Rajasthan went to polls on November 25 for 200 constituencies. In Ramgarh election 2023, Mangelal Meena from Indian National Congress (INC) won by securing 93459 votes. Mangelal defeated Banna Ram Meena of Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) with a margin of 22,567 votes. Banna Ram Meena of Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) secured 70,892 votes. While independent candidate Rahul who came third secured 8,291 votes.
In the 2018 Rajasthan election, Johari Lal Meena from Indian National Congress (INC) won the seat with 82876 votes which was 48.57% of total votes polled in the constituency. He defeated Vijay Samarth Lal of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) who secured 52,578 votes which was 30.81% of the total votes polled in the constituency.
In the 2013 Rajasthan election, Golma from National Peoples Party (NPEP) won the seat with 64,926 votes which was 41.27% of total votes polled in the constituency. He defeated Suraj Bhan Dhanka from SamajWadhi Party (SP) who secured 56,798 votes which was 36.10% of the total votes polled in the constituency.
The 2023 Rajasthan assembly elections witnessed a tough battle between the Indian national congress (INC) and Bharatiya Janata party (BJP). According to the latest reports ,out of the total 200 seats BJP won in 115 seats and INC secured 69 seats.
Rajgarh – Laxmangarh assembly constituency is a part of Alwar parliamentary constituency which is located in Alwar district of state of Rajasthan.
(This story is part of a Timeline. internship project “Whom They Voted For: Celebrating The National Festival”. This internship project is being organised aimed at helping young minds understand the electoral process of the country.)