Actor Shreyas Talpade is set to return to the cinema with his Marathi movie Hee Anokhi Gaath, directed by Mahesh Manjrekar. This will be the first movie for Talpade since suffering a cardiac arrest on December 17, 2023 at the age of 48. And while he is still recovering from the fatal heart attack, needing at least four to six months to recover fully, Talpade has started shooting and taking it very slowly.
His priorities have changed after the cardiac arrest as someone who was always obsessed with work. He, now, focuses on family time, health and puts work after that. He also likened his change of lifestyle to a tortoise who walks at his own pace and pays attention to other important things in life.
“Till the 14th of December I was a man obsessed with work. I have been working non-stop technically for the past 30 years or so. I was just focusing on my career and that was about it. We keep saying that we try to spend quality time with our family but that doesn’t happen, your priority is work and you are running after that,” Shreyas told the Indian Express.
जाणिवांचा पूल कोणी सांधला,
ऐल तीरी पैल हाती लागला…❤️'ही अनोखी गाठ' गाणं, पुन्हा ऐका नव्या ढंगात.
🔗- उद्यापासून सर्वत्र प्रदर्शित..@shreyastalpade1 @manjrekarmahesh @TheZeeStudios @gauri_ingawale @ponkshes #SuhasJoshi @rishisaxena03— Shreyas Talpade (@shreyastalpade1) February 29, 2024
“Post that (heart attack) obviously the priorities have changed. Now my priority is my family, my health, and then comes work. So I feel that if you have to be here for a longer time then you have to take it easy. It is like the story of the hare and the tortoise. What I have learnt is that the tortoise goes at its own pace, consistently, slowly, one step at a time, that is all that matters. There are times when the hare keeps running ahead and then getting tired and keep resting, but I don’t think it is a sustainable way of doing things. I don’t think it works like that… You take it slow, take it easy, because there are other more important things in life that are happening around you, especially your family, your child growing up. So what happens to all those things?”
Shreyas also mentioned that the suffering he and his family went through after he collapsed has made him a changed man. He also admitted that he was scared for life.