Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh: Locals in the Sambhal district of Uttar Pradesh on Monday took to the street after a Muslim man, Irfan, died in police custody, allegedly due to the police torture. The young victim died in the Raisatti police post of the Nakhasa police station area of Sambhal after he was arrested by the police on Sunday night in some case, according to a report by Amar Ujala.
The family members and relatives of the victim turned outrageous when they received the information regarding the death of Irfan in police custody. Local news portal Amar Ujala reported that the policemen fled the spot. After the Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) reached the spot, the body was sent to a hospital on Monday.
The wife of the victim laments that the police had not even informed them in which case they had come to arrest her husband. Irfan was allegedly caught threateningly and taken to the police post, despite his request that he was unwell and needed to take medicine. It is said that the victim was detailed in connection with some alleged financial transactions.
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The police did not allow him to take medicine, and after he died allegedly in custody, the policemen ran away, leaving the dead body, which was found lying on the ground, as per reports. As locals allege assault by police causing death, the ASP has assured that the matter will be investigated, and action will be taken against whoever is found guilty.
Locals protest after Muslim man dies in police custody in UP’s Sambhal.
The custodial death of a #Muslim man caused local outrage in #UttarPradesh’s #Sambhal district on Monday.
Irfan, a resident of Sambhal’s #KagguSarai, was detained on Sunday night.
On Monday Irfan’s dead…
— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) January 20, 2025
The family members of the deceased were seen breaking down before the media, lamenting their loss and holding policemen accountable for the death of Iran.