Yemen Court Dismisses Kerala Nurse's Appeal Against Death Penalty

Kerala Edited by Updated: Nov 17, 2023, 4:41 pm
Yemen Court Dismisses Kerala Nurse's Appeal Against Death Penalty

Yemen Court Dismissed Kerala Nurses Appeal Against Death Penalty

The Supreme Court of Yemen dismissed the appeal against the death sentence of Nimisha Priya who has been imprisoned in the country since 2017 for the murder of a Yemeni national. Nimisha, a nurse from Kerala was convicted of killing a Yemen national, Talal Abdo Mahdi after injecting sedatives in an attempt to retrieve passport from him.

The Delhi court on Thursday asked the central government to decide on request made by Nimisha’s mother who wanted to negotiate the ‘blood money’ or compensation. This development came after her daughter’s plea was dismissed on November 13.

Since the court has dismissed the plea, the only way to retrieve her daughter is by negotiating with the deceased’s family. But due to the travel ban imposed on Yemen since 2017 due to the ongoing civil war in the Arab nation, she was unable to travel to Yemen.

The Kerala nurse’s mother wanted to travel to Yemen immediately to negotiate with Mahdi’s family to secure her release. Lawyer Subash Chandaran KR had previously implored the court that the only way to save her daughter lies in direct negotiation with the victim’s family.

In response to High court, the central government released a notification relaxing the travel ban which will allow the Indian national to visit the country for specific reasons and limited durations. “In view of the representation, let the present petition be treated as a representation. Respondent is directed to decide the representation within one week from today,” Justice Subramonium Prasad ordered.

The ‘Save Nimisha Priya International Action Council’, a group was formed to raise fund and support Nimisha’s mother. They approached the court in 2022, imploring the Centre to “facilitate diplomatic interventions as well as negotiations with the family of the victim on behalf of Nimisha Priya to save her life by paying blood money in accordance with the law of the land in a time-bound manner”.

Nimisha was operating a clinic since 2015 along with Talal. She was found guilty for murdering Talal and dismembering his body and disposing of the remains in a water tank at her residence in Yemen. She has claimed that she has been subjected to torture by him for two years. She said that killing was unintentional and only intended to sedate him by administering the injection. But unfortunately, Talal collapsed and died due to overdose, reports the news minute.