Hair Fall? Know How Rosemary Oil Strengthens The Root (image-pixabay)
Hair Loss also known as alopecia is an autoimmune disease. The body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles and causes the hair to fall out. Mostly, hair fall is due to genetics, stress, or environmental factors. People mainly resort to natural remedies to overcome the situation.
One such known remedy is the use of Rosemary Oil. Recently, this herbal oil has been touted to be one of the effective and affordable solutions to hair fall problems. It is believed to have the strength to repair damage and promote hair growth.
Rosemary oil is a pale liquid oil from the rosemary plant which has an herbaceous aroma. It is often used in perfumes, skincare, and haircare as an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial ingredient.
As per the expert”s view, the plant has carnosic acid which is known to heal nerve damage, and tissue damage, and improve cellular turnover. Another important aspect of the oil is its ability to improve blood circulation. Blood circulation plays a pivotal role in hair growth. Proper blood supply to the hair follicles will ensure nutrients and thus help in the growth of the hair.
From a minoxidil study, it was found that the use of oil will reduce itchiness of the scalp due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Elle reports.
Its anti-oxidant property fights free radicals and reduces hair loss. Apart from being a cure for hair loss, it also helps in preventing dandruff. By the improvement of blood circulation, the oil will eliminate bacteria that clog hair follicles.
Several researches have shown that cells that oxides have a major role in accelerating aging processes, like hair greying. Being an anti-oxidant, the oil may also help in slowing down the greying process.
Just like any other products, the results will be only visible after six months of use, expert says. However, the advantage of the product is that it can be used for any hair type as the oil only targets the follicles and not the hair strand. Oil can be applied on coloured hair too. However, people with sensitive skin are recommended to consult a dermatologist before applying the product.
The only side effect as of now found is its physical weight which may make the hair look greasy and weighed down.
How to use the oil?
It”s better to use it along with a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. Or the Rosemary oil could be used by blending it with shampoo or conditioner. But one should make sure that the product is removed completely from the hair.
Rather than mixing by oneself, one can also opt for a much easier method which is to use hair products that contain rosemary as its ingredient.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or the use of any product you feel fit to the details mentioned in this story.