The Evergreen Beauty Of The Typical Malabar Eid ul Fitr Celebration

Kerala Written by Updated: Apr 10, 2024, 3:22 am
The Evergreen Beauty Of The Typical Malabar Eid ul Fitr Celebration

The Evergreen Beauty Of The Typical Malabar Eid Celebration

After a whole month of fasting, Eid ul Fitr, one of the major festivals in Islam, is celebrated by Muslims across the world. The contour of the day with that waking up of Eid morning absorbing the fragrance of new clothes and the echo of the nostalgic Thakbeer recitation (Hailing) from the Masjid Minarets infuse the day with an extraordinary charm

Though the joy in the form of food recipes, family gatherings, and friend reunions is shared by all, traditions differ in the way of celebrations according to the region. Among them, Malabar has a special Eid charm and nostalgia.

Also known as Cheriya Perunnal (small festival) in the region, Eid ul Fitr always evokes strong feelings of ecstasy among Muslims. The freshness of clothes, food, relationships, and family enchants the day while taking people along the cheerful moments.

As the Shawwal Crescent moon is sighted in the sky after the end holy month of Ramzan, the hearts of devotees fill with euphoria and joy. Starting with praising the Almighty, the celebration begins right from the night of the moon sighting.

Eid”s merrymaking gets underway the night with arrangements for the next day. Many feel special to experience the rush in the market as they leave all their shopping for that particular night. On the night, while the boys start celebrating with fireworks and lighting, the girls are seen engaging with Mehndi and chatting with friends. The men and women of the family will be busy shopping and arranging things for the day.

The day kicks off early morning with prayer and hurry for the special Eid feast. After taking a bath and dressing in new clothes, people go to the Masjid for the Eid prayer with a sense of a newfound elation. They renew the relationship greeting each other with “Eid Mubarak.”

People exchange hugs with warm smiles and friendly gestures. They also invite one another to their houses for feasts. After Eid prayer in Masjid, devotees pay their loved ones a visit at the graveyards, chatting with them and praying for them on light-hearted hours. The prayers were then followed by delicious Malabar feasts prepared for Eid.

Biryani is the dominant name in the households on Eid day while some follow the traditional meal with items made of meat. Interestingly, people rejoice in daytime food after one whole month of abstinence during Ramadan fasting.

Most of the households notably maintain the tradition of gathering at the ancestral house of the family members, eating food together and having unforgettable memories to cherish forever.

The most amusing memory for many is the meeting with the family members and friends. Most love to attribute the best recollection of Eid to the moments spent with cousins and relatives in their good older days.

The day then follows visiting all the families, refreshing friendships, and planning excursions in addition to other leisure activities.