Delhi High Court Summons ANI In Defamation Suit On Its Story About A Man's Triple Talaq

Media Edited by Updated: Feb 13, 2024, 8:04 pm
Delhi High Court Summons ANI In Defamation Suit On Its Story About A Man's Triple Talaq

Delhi High Court Summons ANI In Defamation Suit On Its Story About A Man's Triple Talaq

Delhi High Court today (Tuesday) issued a summons to Asian News International (ANI) after a man named Danish Hashim filed a defamation case against the the news agency. Mr Hashim filed the case in connection with an interview that the ANI had conducted with his wife Huma. During the interview, Huma, the petitioner alleged, falsely claimed that she was subjected to Triple Talaq for not delivering a male child.

Mr Hashim noted that he is from the Shia sect of Muslims and that the Triple Talaq was not considered as an acceptable form of divorce in the sect, claiming that the allegation of committing triple talaq made against him was defamatory and false.

ANI in January 2021 had published a story along with a video interview of Huma Hashim, showing her saying that she had been married to Mr Hashim for 20 years and was given Triple Talaq by her husband when she failed to give birth to a male child.

Dismissing the allegations of Triple Talaq, Mr Hashim said that he separated from his wife in 2020 and there had not been a legal divorce between the couple.

In his suit, he also stated that the news report and the interview which were still available on ANI since January 2021, made him suffer from prejudice in the society, affecting his personal and professional life.

Justice Prathiba M Singh after hearing the matter issued the summon and notices to Hashim’s wife Human, as well as the couple’s daughter. The Court further said that since the news story was available, it would hear the defendants and then issue an order. The case will be considered by March 20 for the second time.

When Mr Hashim earlier filed a writ petition seeking direction to ANI and one of another media houses seeking to deletion of the alleged defamatory content, the plea was disposed of while Mr Hashim was granted liberty to file a civil suit. Then he filed a defamation suit through the Advocate Jayant Bhatt.