UP Woman Receives Triple Talaq Via WhatsApp For Donating Kidney To Her Brother

India Edited by Updated: Dec 21, 2023, 5:29 pm
UP Woman Receives Triple Talaq Via WhatsApp For Donating Kidney To Her Brother

UP Woman Receives Triple Talaq Via WhatsApp For Donating Kidney To His Brother

A woman received Triple Talaq from her husband for donating Kidney to her sick brother. The victim, Tarannum belong to Bairiyahi village in Uttar Pradesh“s Gonda district. Her husband Mohammad Rashid works in Saudi Arabia and gave Triple Talaq via WhatsApp.

Hearing the news about donating kidney to brother, Mohammad Rashid became furious and asked Rs 40 lakh from Tarannum, India Today reports. When she refused, Rashid sent Talaq message on August 30.Upon aggrieved woman”s complaint, Police have filed a case against Rashid and said that a legal action will follow.

In October, a man working in Saudi Arabia declared Talaq over a video call to his wife in Kanpur when he found that she had done her eyebrows. She registered a police complaint against her husband.

Triple Talaq as a practice is banned in India. It is a form of divorce practised in Islam wherein a Muslim man could legally divorce his wife by declaring talaq (the Arabic word for divorce) three times. This pronouncement could be oral or written. As per this practice, the husband need not to state the reason for the divorce and the wife need not be present at the time when man is pronouncing it.

It was on August 22, 2017, the Supreme Court of India declared instant Triple Talaq unconstitutional. Following, on 30 July 2019, Indian Parliament has announced the practice of Triple Talaq illegal under the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act. According to the act, any mode of instant Triple Talaq, whether it be spoken, written, or by electronical means including email or sms was declared invalid and illegal. Besides, the act also enables punishment upto three years for the husband for using Triple Talaq.