Indian Journalist "Paraglides" On Live TV To Show How Hamas Landed In Israel

Media Edited by Updated: Oct 13, 2023, 7:25 pm
Indian Journalist

Indian Journalist "Paraglides" On Live TV To Show How Hamas Landed In Israel

It’s been only seven days since the serene wind of West Asia turned upside down to a burning loop, after Hamas, a militant Palestinian nationalist and Islamist movement directed an unprecedented attack towards the Jewish parliamentary democracy of Israel on Saturday Morning of October 7. Yes, the charge was a totally stupefied goading to Israel, but a mere protraction to the decade-old resistance gesticulation by the all-time deprived Palestine brotherhood. A war, better to screech as a long-driven predisposition by a displaced community and it”s hunger for the basic human right to possess a land of their own – a land to hold proudly, to live cordially, and to rest at last peacefully.

World woke up on Saturday with a bolt from the blue. Within no time the shock transfigured into gripping pain, agony, ceaseless torture. Even the seats of the world leaders started trembling to boot after the Israel-Hamas tension infelicitously rocketed with unbearable death toll and casualties. The glob stands extremely worried of the escalating political and economic uncertainty as it is sufficient to put a major number of countries around stand-still. The question here is, how the world media presented such a torment, an unbearable crisis to the rest of the population who are unable to encounter a first-hand experience of the battle.

Aaj Tak, a leading Indian Hindi-language news channel owned by the TV Today Network, has recently attempted a recreation or somewhat an experimental reporting on a well-circulated controversy-made war act, accused as done by the Hamas militants. The media firm, in reality, was scrutinizing the possibility of the action as many have come in support and in opposition to it, leading to a debate on social media and news rooms.

The video, said to be taken on Saturday while the Israeli border was holding a music party, had glimpses of armed men sailing into Israeli territory on motorized hang paragliders prior of launching a devastating ground invasion. The footage went viral after Israel declared war on Sunday, however the authenticity of the snippets remains unverified. Shortly after Hamas launched an ariel-ground combined attack, Israel declared that the State is on war and launched dreadful counter attacks and airstrikes leaving both the sides thousands died, stranded, wounded, and displaced.

Many have come forward and flagged that launching an attack benefitting a paraglider as false. The Aaj Tak reporter Mausami Singh took this chance and “proved” such glider tools can be instigated in a warzone stating it is really easy to control. No VFX, No augmented reality, she directly jumped into the adventure sport in Haryana’s Manesar to bring out an “exclusive report” on the purported attack. Validating the New York Post’s statement that, “terrorists” were seen “sailing into Israeli territory on motorized paragliders” as part of the “devastating air assault” made on the Jewish country, she made a heroic fly.

Ms Singh was accompanied by an expert in the sport, and is seen reporting using a selfie stick at her hand. She, through the glide details how the flying object is operated and states that even the pilot “doesn’t need a lot of training to do it”. Her voice and visuals from Haryana then slowly merges to other footages of paragliding in which different persons are shown expressing their experiences and views. The sequence even incorporated army officials describing that the equipment can “take off within four to five minutes” and can cross over a boundary “at a distance of 1-2 kilometres within the time span of 10 to 15 minutes easily. One of the officers seen in the video entitled the vehicle as a “poor man’s weapon” and a “terrorist’s weapon”.

The spirit of journalism to do a daring act, just to validate a possibility emerged after a controversy is truly inspiring and applaudable considering the dedication she is meant for. But still, the context of the particular act is a question as it, to an expanse, seems mocking at an already deteriorated humanity who are at their ultimate end of survival gambits. Hamas is not fighting for a political or economical need, but for the basic human rights, to which all the other men are vested into.

At all times, the spirit of journalism lies on its primary obligation to truth. The process of gathering and presenting information to the public in the form of news is a tedious activity and at the same time it involves several risk elements too. Considering the specific scenario, it is evident that what the reporter is struggling to feature as true is an unverified data, which is still in question about its authenticity. The over attention given to the viral video is also debatable as it is circulated mainly through pro-Israel portals and media hubs which are either supervised or monitored by Israel-friendly nations.

Ms Singh’s stunts are getting several praises as what she did was a mere mode of creativity and attempts awareness amidst the Israel-Palestine conflict. On the other hand, she has been criticized for behaving insensitively, promoting violence by recreating an activity with a “tool of terror”.

But one thing is damn sure that we are at a serious end to check and confirm whether the Indian media is exposing itself as a mere ‘Joke’ to the entire world populace! “Here, you can try to understand that even pilots don’t require extensive training”, a journalist explaining a highly sensitive case by demonstrating it is little bit pathetic… Several has come up with “disgusting”, and “shit up” comments expressing strong disagreement towards the act.

Yes, it definitely earns strikes to cross the news channel’s satellite and market earnings to an unexpected growth (May be expected if the attempt was part of a pure media business strategy). But journalism for its sake, and for the sake of people they are serving has some deep rooted diligently earned ethics and standard of conduct – not to mess with people’s emotions and piteous unavoidable conditions to cheap propaganda and promotional activities. Because, as Israel declares, it is a war. But a war launched by a bunch of disadvantaged with their last hope of survival…

Journalism blooms where humanity glows…