Decarbonisation Tech: The Key To A Sustainable Future

Science Written by Updated: Oct 18, 2023, 8:47 pm
Decarbonisation Tech: The Key To A Sustainable Future

Decarbonisation Tech: The Key To A Sustainable Future

In the global pursuit of decarbonisation and averting catastrophic climate change several enterprises, has shared their skepticism about the current state of technology readiness. While some argue that the required technology is already available, while some believes that it”s only part of the solution. Companies emphasize that true decarbonisation goes beyond existing capabilities.

Challenges in Achieving Carbon Neutrality:

Companies acknowledge that electrifying personal mobility is a proven and feasible solution. Still, he highlights significant challenges in decarbonising industries like aviation, shipping, and industrial energy. Notably, the complexity of achieving carbon neutrality in aviation stands out due to the limitations in electrifying large intercontinental airplanes carrying hundreds of passengers.

The Significance of Industrial Decarbonisation:

Industries contribute substantially to global energy consumption. To achieve meaningful progress, enterprises highlights the necessity of substantial technological advancements in decarbonising sectors like steel, cement, plastics, and fertilizers.

The Role of Commercial Viability and Scalability:

They emphasise that technological solutions must not merely function in laboratory settings. They need to be commercially viable and scalable to provide substantial energy on a societal scale. The importance of investability and scalability is crucial in driving technology development.

Shell”s Commitment to Addressing Challenges:

As a company, Shell is dedicated to addressing these pressing challenges. The company invests approximately $1 billion annually in research and development, with a significant portion, around 41%, allocated to decarbonisation technologies in the previous year. Shell”s technology centre in Bengaluru plays a pivotal role in innovative projects. These projects include the development of third-generation biofuel technology and an electrolyzer system aimed at reducing the costs associated with green hydrogen production.

Exploring Innovative Solutions:

One area of technology exploration for Shell is direct air capture, a method where carbon is captured directly from the atmosphere, as opposed to traditional approaches that capture carbon dioxide from emission sources such as factory chimneys. Although direct air capture comes with a higher cost due to the lower concentration of CO2 in the air, it offers the advantage of deployability in various locations, including regions abundant in renewable energy resources.

They underline the importance of developing commercially viable and scalable technologies to effectively combat climate change. Companies highlights the specific challenges faced by industries like aviation and the need for technological breakthroughs to drive significant decarbonisation efforts. Shell”s commitment to research and development, along with its exploration of innovative solutions like direct air capture, demonstrates a proactive approach to addressing these challenges and working towards a sustainable, decarbonised future.