Google Gives Users More Control Over Their Personal Information

Technology Written by Updated: Oct 19, 2023, 5:39 pm
Google Gives Users More Control Over Their Personal Information

Google Gives Users More Control Over Their Personal Information

New Delhi: Google has introduced a new tool that empowers users to have better control over their personal information online by sending alerts whenever their private details appear in search results. This marks a significant step forward in enhancing user privacy.

Now, Google users can easily discover and remove their personal data, particularly contact information, from search results. The search giant will proactively send notifications to users when their contact details, such as phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses, are found in search results. These notifications enable users to request the removal of specific information, granting them greater control over their online presence.

This feature is an extension of the “Results About You” feature introduced last year. Users can access the “results about you” feature on both their smartphones and the web. The latest update to this feature eliminates the need for users to manually search for their information.

Upon entering their personal information in the dashboard, the tool automatically scans websites containing matching data. Users can then review each webpage and submit removal requests for any information they deem necessary to be taken down.

Google has announced the gradual rollout of this dashboard in the coming days, allowing users to stay informed about web results featuring their contact details in search results. In addition to enabling users to promptly request the removal of unwanted information, Google will also notify them when new results from the web, featuring their information, appear in search results.

To access this tool, users can open the Google app, tap on their Google account photo, and select “Results about you.” Alternatively, they can visit google/resultsaboutyou. Currently, the tool is available only in the United States in English, but Google has plans to expand its availability to more locations and languages.

This initiative by Google is a significant step towards putting users in control of their personal information, enhancing their online privacy, and ensuring that they can manage what information is accessible through search results.

Google”s introduction of this new privacy management tool is a substantial advancement in safeguarding users” personal information online. By proactively notifying users when their private details appear in search results and enabling them to request the removal of such information, Google empowers individuals to take control of their online presence and enhance their privacy.

This tool, an extension of the “Results About You” feature, streamlines the process of managing personal data, making it more convenient and accessible for users on both mobile and web platforms. As Google continues to roll out this dashboard and expand its availability to more regions and languages, it signifies a commitment to improving online privacy worldwide. By putting these capabilities directly into the hands of users, Google is helping individuals protect their personal information and control their digital footprint. This initiative serves as a commendable step forward in the ongoing efforts to enhance online privacy and ensure that users can have greater agency over the information that is accessible through search results.