Google To Supercharge Assistant With Generative AI Makeover

Technology Written by Updated: Oct 17, 2023, 5:50 pm
Google To Supercharge Assistant With Generative AI Makeover

Google To Supercharge Assistant With Generative AI Makeover

Google is in the process of reorganising its Assistant team, which includes some employee layoffs, as it places a strong focus on Large Language Model (LLM) technology. This move is part of Google“s plan to harness the latest advancements in generative artificial intelligence to enhance its default voice assistant tool, Assistant, widely used on Android phones. LLM technology can provide intelligent and creative responses to text-based queries and can even convert text into images. This shift is accompanied by internal restructuring and changes to the “Speech” team, reflecting Google”s dedication to integrating generative AI across its product range. The strategic shift in Google”s approach exemplifies the tech industry”s broader trend, as companies seek to infuse AI innovations into products, delivering more dynamic and natural user interactions.

The reorganisation will also affect the company”s “Speech” team, responsible for voice commands, with Francoise Beaufays transitioning to work under Sissie Hsiao, who oversees Bard and Assistant. Google Assistant is a pivotal feature in Google”s mobile and home devices, smart speakers, smart displays, TVs, and vehicles through the Android Auto platform. Google is actively working to integrate generative AI into various products, recognizing its transformative potential. While Google Assistant has made strides in understanding voice commands over its seven-year existence, it still primarily relies on pre-written responses, and the infusion of generative AI promises to make interactions more natural and dynamic.

Google”s strategic shift towards leveraging Large Language Model (LLM) technology to enhance its Assistant is a significant move that underscores the company”s commitment to staying at the forefront of artificial intelligence. By reorganising its Assistant team and exploring the potential of generative AI, Google aims to provide users with a more dynamic and natural interaction experience. This move reflects the broader trend in the tech industry, where rapid developments in generative AI are pushing companies to embed this technology in various products, unlocking new possibilities for user engagement and innovation. As Google continues to embrace these advancements, it”s set to transform the way we interact with technology, making Assistant more powerful and versatile while addressing the ever-evolving needs of its users.