Telecom Department Seeks Proposals For Quantum Standardization, Testing Labs

Department of Telecommunications (DoT) Edited by Updated: Jul 08, 2024, 6:15 pm
Telecom Department Seeks Proposals For Quantum Standardization, Testing Labs

Telecom Department Seeks Proposals For Quantum Standardization, Testing Labs

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) is taking a bold step towards the future with a call for proposals titled “Quantum Standardization and Testing Labs.” This initiative from the Government of India seeks applications from Indian academic and R&D institutions, either individually or in collaboration, to establish critical infrastructure for the development of quantum technologies.

The primary goal is to accelerate research and development in this cutting-edge field. These labs will act as innovation hubs, bringing together leading minds from academia, industry, and testing equipment manufacturers. Their combined expertise will focus on ensuring the interoperability, reliability, and most importantly, the security of future quantum communication systems.

This initiative emphasizes domestic research and development of telecom technologies that directly benefit Indian citizens. It represents a significant step towards achieving self-reliance in quantum technologies and establishing India as a global leader in this revolutionary field.

The proposed labs hold immense potential to improve our daily lives. By fostering the development of secure, reliable, and efficient quantum communication systems, this initiative aims to provide every citizen with advanced technologies that enhance communication, data security, and the overall digital experience.

The Labs’ Focus

Quantum Standardization: Establishing essential benchmarks and protocols for seamless integration of quantum communication elements. This includes devices like quantum key distribution (QKD) systems and single-photon detectors, as well as the infrastructure they operate on, such as optical fibers.

Testing and Validation: Developing cutting-edge testing facilities to validate homegrown quantum technologies created by Indian researchers, startups, and established R&D institutions. These facilities will ensure these technologies meet national and international standards and function effectively under various conditions.

The labs will be accessible to industry, startups, and local stakeholders at a nominal fee, ensuring that everyone can benefit from this advanced technology. This comprehensive approach aims to accelerate the development of indigenous quantum solutions, solidifying India’s position as a frontrunner in setting global standards.

Technologies Under Scrutiny

The labs will test a wide range of quantum communication technologies, including:

Single-photon and entangled photon sources

Single-photon detectors

Quantum memories and repeaters

Quantum communication modules like QKD, quantum teleportation, and free-space quantum communication

Trusted and untrusted nodes for secure communication networks

Any other relevant advancements in the quantum communication domain

Call to Action

The deadline for submitting proposals is August 5th, 2024.  For detailed information on submission guidelines and requirements, visit the DoT website ( or contact the TTDF program office (

This initiative signifies India’s commitment to becoming a leader in the quantum revolution. By fostering a collaborative environment and investing in cutting-edge infrastructure, the country is poised to unlock the immense potential of quantum technologies for the benefit of its citizens and the global community.