UGC Invites Proposals For 6G Technologies Under Accelerated Research Lab (Image: Pixabay)
The University Grant Commission (UGC) has invited submissions from research institutes, universities, Indian startups, and corporations to promote research, development, and design of 6G technologies under Accelerated Research Lab. The goal of this initiative is to support innovation in 6G technologies in alignment with the Bharat 6G Vision.
The initiative is in line with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi India’s 6G Vision “Bharat 6G Vision” document released on March 23, 2023 which envisages India to be a front-line contributor in 6G technology design, development and deployment by 2030.
The three guiding concepts of the Bharat 6G Vision are affordability, sustainability, and ubiquitousness. It guarantees that India reclaims its rightful position as a worldwide leader in providing reasonably priced, cutting-edge telecom solutions and technologies that enhance society.
The 6G research focuses on areas include semantic communication, blockchain technology, ubiquitous connectivity, THz communication systems, holistic security solutions, genetic programming; framework for HC2WA; Six sense communication, fluid cells and antennas spectrum sensing and sharing network, quantum and QC assisted communications, internet of nano-things and bio-nano things and artificial neural networks for communication among others.
Reportedly, India has taken strides in 6G technology initiatives. The 6G Vision Framework has been endorsed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). India”s Ministry of Communications, through the Department of Telecommunications, was instrumental in the Framework”s development.
Also, the Department of Telecommunications and the Ministry of Communications worked hard to prioritize the standardization of 6G, which led to the successful adoption of ubiquitous connectivity, ubiquitous intelligence, and sustainability as essential components of 6G technology. It also improved India”s standing in the global telecom market.
ITU, the United Nations specialized body for information and communication technologies, has dubbed the sixth generation of technology, or 6G, “IMT 2030.” Approved on June 22, 2023, the ITU”s recommendation for a 6G framework will act as a foundation document for 6G research and development and open the door for the global development of 6G technology. India took the lead role in developing the ITU 6G Framework, which was created in cooperation with other United Nations members.