“All Scenarios Are Open In The Lebanese Southern Front”: Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah In Gaza Address

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 03, 2023, 8:14 pm
“All Scenarios Are Open In The Lebanese Southern Front”: Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah In Gaza Address

“All Scenarios Are Open In The Lebanese Southern Front”: Hezbollah's Hassan Nasrallah In Gaza Address

In one of the important speeches on the ongoing Israel-Palestine war, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah stated that all scenarios are open in the southern front of Lebanon. The Hezbollah leader delivered his first public speech since the start of the war on October 7 and warned that if Israel is planning to move against Lebanon, it would be the biggest act of foolishness in their history of existence. He added that the October 7 Hamas attack showed how frail and weak the Israel state is. “Weaker than a spider”s web,” he said.

The Lebanese leader”s address occurred as Israel continued its offensive on the Gaza Strip, and according to the latest death toll, more than 9,300 people have been killed in Gaza alone.

Important quotes from Hassan Nasrallah’s speech

“Throughout the history, Israelis were only able to perpetrate programs and massacres.”

“At this moment, we are standing tall and end will be your defeat.”

“The whole world have seen what happened in Gaza, the brutal and barbaric acts by the Zionist regime.”

“America is hypocritic and United State is responsible for what happened with the unarmed people in Gaza.”

“As Khomeini said, from Hiroshima to Iraq to Palestine, United States of America is the greatest Satan.”

“United States must pay price, mentioning the attack on US in Iraq by the Iraqi resistance force

“This is a battle against ferociousness and brutality led by US and Israel.”

“If one should remain silent now, they should think about their honour.”

“Establishment of Zionist state took its toll on Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria.”

“This battle is decisive battle, historic.”

“We have two goals now; 1. the war and the aggression should end, 2. Hamas should triumph for the interest of Palestine.”

“Some claim that if Gaza triumphs, it will be victory of Iran or Muslim Brotherhood. But it will be the victory of Palestinians, Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians and also the nationalistic, patriotic Lebanon.”

“It is the responsibility of all the noblemen in the world to put an end to the war.”

“I am appealing that severe bilateral relations with Israel, condemnations and statements are not enough.”

“Arab nations should cut off oil supplies to US.”

“Arab nations should stop food supply imports from Israel.”

“Arab and Muslim countries should work together to stop the war on Gaza.”

“Gazans are asking that don”t you have some dignity to send aids to Gaza.”

“I don”t want to wish to call others traitors, we should shoulder our responsibilities.”

“Islamic Resistance in Iraq shouldered their responsibility.”

“Yemeni people have shouldered some responsibility, they launched missiles against US bases.”

“We have been in this battle from October 8 and Hizbollah”s engagement wasn”t minimal, but, it was sizable, unprecedented since 1948.”

“We are engaging in true battle, different from all those in past, in terms of tools, strategy and targets.”

“Right after Saturday”s Al Aqsa Typhoon, Israel started to pull out their personnel from Lebanon borderlines.”

“Our daily operations keep the enemy in fear.”

“If you (Israel) are planning to do operations against Lebanon, that will be the biggest act of foolishness in your history of existence.”

“57 Hezbollah fighters have been killed so far.”

“Enemy is acting insane, politically and militarily.”

“Israel can get back the captives held in Gaza through negotiations

“Israel’s biggest mistakes now is making goals that it cannot achieve.”

“The great Al-Aqsa Flood operation was decided and implemented 100 percent by Palestinians.”

“All scenarios are open in the Lebanese southern front.”

“America should remember your defeats in Iraq, Afghanistan… in Lebanon in 1980s”

“You Americans are aware that if a full-blown war happens, you will be at loss.”

“Gaza will triumph. Palestine will triumph. Gaza will prevail.”