Egypt Shares Draft UN General Assembly Resolution On Gaza

West Asia Edited by Updated: Dec 11, 2023, 5:00 pm
Egypt Shares Draft UN General Assembly Resolution On Gaza

Egypt Shares Draft UN General Assembly Resolution On Gaza (image @ UN_PGA)

Egypt’s mission to the United Nations has shared the text of UN General Assembly resolution calling for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire on its X (formerly twitter) page. Egypt’s UN representative, Osama Abdel Khalek said, “this bloodshed must stop immediately”. The said resolution uses similar language to the Security Council resolution vetoed by the US. The latter resolution is going for another vote on Tuesday.

It said “in the absence of a ceasefire and in light of the ongoing grave breaches of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, and violations of the relevant United Nations resolutions”, the General Assembly should convene to address the dramatically deteriorating humanitarian crisis by invoking for resolution 377 (V) (1950) “Uniting for Peace” as quickly as possible.

The President of United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis announced resumption of the 10th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly.


The “Uniting for Peace” resolution will give the Assembly power to take up matters regarding the international peace and security. The situation arises when the Security Council find itself unable to take actions due to the lack of unanimity among the five permanent members that have veto powers. The General Assembly adopted the move for the first time in 1950.

The new moves came after US vetoed the Security Council resolution calling for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. Earlier, the General Assembly adopted a resolution that called for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire. In that resolution, while 121 countries voted in favour of the ceasefire, 14 countries were against it and 44 countries abstained from voting.

The UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres invoked Article 99 of the UN Charter, which was last used about half centuries ago, calling for the immediate ceasefire. Mr. Gutterres has been warning about the dire humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip and the potential global threats that are lurking behind such desperate crisis.