“Free Palestine”: Mesut Ozil Calls For End To War In Palestine

West Asia Updated: Oct 14, 2023, 12:37 pm
“Free Palestine”: Mesut Ozil Calls For End To War In Palestine

“Free Palestine”: Mesut Ozil Calls For End To War In Palestine

Former German footballer Mesut Özil has called for an end to the war in Palestine, tweeting: “Praying for humanity.  Praying for peace. Innocent people and especially innocent kids are losing their lives in the war – on both sides. It”s so heartbreaking & sad. PLEASE STOP THE WAR!!!”. He also added a hashtag on his post – #FreePalestine,

Ozil, former Arsenal and Real Madrid player, has been outspoken in his support for Palestine in the past. In 2019, he was criticized by some for his criticism of China”s treatment of Uyghur Muslims.

The brutal war is on its eighth day with endless bloodshed and eternal screaming, leaving thousands behind dead and another bulk wounded. The current conflict was the result of the Saturday unprecedented attack by the Islamist militant resistance group Hamas over the jewish state of Israel. It soon went out an uncontrollable catastrophe after Israel declared war against the Palestine community and reducing Gaza with continues airstrikes.

Palestine is already at the impoverished end after Israel blockaded food, fuel, water, electricity  and medicines. Hospitals and morgues are flooded with patients and dead bodies, but the bombardment of Israel military continues not sparing schools, houses, hospitals, and even ambulances. Millions got displaced after Israel issued a stark immediate evacuation order to north Gaza, nonetheless considering the United Nation”s and other world health and aid organisations warning that the war affected areas are up to a health catastrophe.

As the conflict became a week-old war by Saturday October 14, around 1,900 have been killed inside the territory, says Gaza Health Ministry. More than 1300 Israelis also lost their life. In the occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Health Ministry reported 16 Palestinians killed on Friday, adding the total number of Palestinians killed there since Hamas’ rampage to 51.