Ground Invasion On Gaza: Israel Asks Hezbollah Not To Intervene, Iran Warns The Status Quo Around The Region Will Not Remain Same

West Asia Edited by Updated: Oct 15, 2023, 1:30 pm
Ground Invasion On Gaza: Israel Asks Hezbollah Not To Intervene, Iran Warns The Status Quo Around The Region Will Not Remain Same

Ground Invasion On Gaza: Israel Warns Hezbollah Not To Intervene. Iran Warns Israel The Status Quo Around The Region Will Not Remain Same (image: eye.on.palestine)

After calling for full invasion on Gaza through air, sea and land, Israel warns Hezbollah, Lebanese Islamist political/militant group to stay out of the issue instead of calling for “destruction “on the country by intervening. Confusions and fear grips the Palestinians and the surrounding nations as Israel and Arab nations are on the verge of locking horns adhering to Israel’s declaration of ground invasion of Gaza, the occupation forces” most ”ambitious” plan so far.

Israel says the primary aim of the invasion is to destroy Hamas leadership. The now and then military ”clashes ”happening at the  bordering countries, especially Lebanon has causes set the bar of possible conflagration of the “war” to the border sharing countries high.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’ national security adviser, Tzachi Hanegbi, on Saturday said Hezbollah’s intervention to the planned ground attack on Gaza could be disastrous. He said, “we hope Hezbollah won’t defacto , bring about the destruction on Lebanon, because if there is a war there the result will be no less”.

Hezbollah has already warned US about supplying ammunitions to Israel in  the ongoing war claiming that the result would be “not very kind”. The Lebanese political/militant group has already accentuated their readiness to shower missiles upon the occupation force during the early stage of the “deadly” escalation.

As Israel prepares for the “next stages of war”, Iran has also warned Israel against the ground invasion of Gaza Strip. Iran has sent ”warnings” via United Nation that Israel should let down the idea of ground invasion on Gaza or else they would ”intervene” as further escalation on the ongoing war is not appreciated by Iran. While talking with Qatar Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdurrahman Al Thani, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir Abdollahian said that, “if the Israeli regime continues its crimes against Palestinian people and citizens, no one can guarantee that the status quo in the region will remain the same”.


At the same time, the occupation force of Israel is garnering up one of the largest forces from around the world for the full scale invasion on Gaza Strip, a comparatively tiny space which is inhabited by more than 2 million people. Top military official of US said that American warships recently left Virginia. The warships include, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and is heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean to join with USS Gerald R. Ford’s other ships which were already deployed there.



Earlier, as a warning to the ground invasion, Israel has asked the 1.1 million civilians of Gaza to move out of the Gaza Strip and to avoid attack and “provided” a “safe corridor” which was bombed later and hundreds lost life including medical workers.