Israel-Hamas Reaches Tentative Ceasefire Agreement: Report

West Asia Edited by Updated: Nov 19, 2023, 11:57 am
Israel-Hamas Reaches Tentative Ceasefire Agreement: Report

Israel-Hamas Reaches Tentative Cease Fire Agreement - Report

As a relief to Gazans who are severely suffering from the ferocious Israeli attacks, Israel and the United States have agreed to a five-day ceasefire, with Hamas releasing dozens of women and children held hostage in Gaza, according to a Washington Post report.

The report states that the release of hostages will begin soon. This new development came after dozens of Palestinians who were sheltering at schools were killed by an Israeli airstrike.

The concerned parties will stop the war insurgencies for at least five days, with Hamas freeing 50 or more hostages in groups every 24 hours, the Post reported, quoting a six-page agreement. Hamas had held about 240 hostages during its October 7 assault on Israel, which caused the lives of 1,200 people.

The ceasefire agreement will also facilitate humanitarian aid agencies to reinforce the humanitarian aid in Gaza, the newspaper said. The two parties reached a consensus after prolonged discussions presided over by Qatar.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied the report, saying, ‘Concerning the hostages, there are many unsubstantiated rumors, many incorrect reports. I would like to make it clear: As of now, there has been no deal. But I want to promise: When there is something to say – we will report to you about it.’

According to a White House spokesperson, there is no deal yet, despite the US’s relentless effort to establish an agreement. As Israel’s assault on Gaza intensified, the death toll reached 12,300, of which 5,000 are shockingly children.”