Jared Kushner Calls Gaza's Waterfront 'Valuable'; Suggests Moving Palestinians Out Of Gaza

West Asia Edited by Updated: Mar 21, 2024, 12:24 pm
Jared Kushner Calls Gaza's Waterfront 'Valuable'; Suggests Moving Palestinians Out Of Gaza

Jared Kushner Calls Gaza's Waterfront Valuable; Suggests Moving Palestinians Out Of Gaza (Photo screengrab on X Jared Kushner @jaredkushner )

Donald Trump”s son-in-law and former US foreign policy advisor Jared Kushner says the waterfront property of Gaza could be very valuable property and suggested that Israel should remove civilians when it cleans up the Gaza strip. In the interview held at Harvard University on February 15, Mr Kushner further advised Israel to move civilians to the Negev desert in Southern Israel if it attacks Rafah.

The former real estate dealer opined that building waterfront properties instead of tunnels could significantly improve the lives of Palestinians at the strip. “Gaza’s waterfront property, it could be very valuable if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Mr Kushner said.

The comment made headlines as it came when the Gazens fears if the objective of the continued war of Israel was to throw the Palestinians of Gaza out. There were reports earlier that the settlers building symbolic houses at Gaza’s border region, calling for the settlement inside the strip. Israel’s national security minister has also joined the group urging for the “resettlement of Gaza.”

Mr Kishner during the interview said that from Israel’s perspective, he would do his best to move the people out and then clean it up, adding that he doesn’t think that Israel has stated that they don’t want the people to move back there afterwards.

If he was in charge of Israel, Mr Kushner says, his number one priority would be getting civilians out of the southern city of Rafah. He continued saying with diplomacy, it could be possible to get them into Egypt

When asked about the fears on Gazens, that Israel would not allow them to return to the strip, Mr Pushkar doubted saying “Maybe”

Notably, on the question of an independent state for Palestinians, Mr Kishner termed the proposal as a super bad idea, adding that it would reward acts of terror.